Sunday 3 November 2013

One words

Haii korang :) Malam ni nak update new entry. Bosan punya sebablah haha. Alaaa , cuti dah mula dah kay . Confirm bosan habis time cuti nnti . Stay dgn kawan pn tda boleh. Gonna miss them . Arghh !

The best thing I ever had ! I mean , they are my everything . When I'm sad , they will create a beautiful smile on my face. When I'm alone , they will come to me. When I'm gettin angry , they the only one that can make my heart better than ever. Laugh , smile , tears and moment that we had shared were so hard to me to let it go. I know , "PAST IS PAST" . But they are not my past. They are my life and my memory. My memory never ever full with our memory haha. I never exhausted with it. With them , I learned what is passion. I learned how to be more mature , haha and the most important , I learned the meaning of this one words ; FRIENDSHIP. They told me how fun it is. They told me how hard to let them go. They told me everything. They support and love me! Thanks dear friend :*

- One words mean everything. FRIENDSHIP -

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