Tuesday 27 August 2013

Study -.-

Hellow readers ! Well, I AM REALLY STRESS ! haha. Please don't push me to study. Huh ! Haha. Study , study and study. Then, magraine, magraine and magraine. If I don't start open my book and read it , I will failed . I only have 35 days to spend my time with my book . Oh Gosh.. and now , I'm still blurr.. Its very strange .. How interest am I with Maths haha.. I am fallin love with maths.. Count that , solve this and blablabla.. It is cool .. Weird isn't ? About Science subject ? Err I'm not pretty sure about that. I mean , I love Biology but Science Stream ? So-so . We'll see my PMR result later. And I'll know what subject I get. *Ok juga Eng saya? haha* There are more fact about Science and Maths , you only remember and keep understand about the formule. Thats all :) For me ,okayy?. hihi. Well I'm not smart.. Not to stupid haha.. I just give my opinion okay ? hehe :D Just please and please, pray for me for the PMR Exam that will be coming soon ;) Thanks !

Sunday 18 August 2013

School again.

Hye hye reader :) Keep calm and accept the fact that school is soon. Huh ! Stres day is coming. Actualy hari ni start dah school. Tinggal sejam lagi sya habiskan masa dirumah. After that, saya ke sekolah. Well, terima kenyataan saja lah. Kena fokus ni study. Exam PMR tdk lama lagi. Tinggal sebulan lagi. So, hujung mggu lah ni baru dapat spent time dengan blog tercinta ni. hoho. Pengorbanan k pengorbana -.- Akan saya usahakan ! haha. Cepatnya cuti ni. Mcm seminggu sja terasa. hmm. Harap-harap dapat lah ni fokus sepenuhnya . Saya ni bkn jenis yg kejap fokus. haha. Maklumlah, sya kuat becrita dlm klas. Well you know, me as girl love to gossip-ing. haha. Ok ka eng sy ? Hantam sja :D Okay sampai sini sahaja lah :) Mau besiap lagi ni. Goodbye. xoxo

Saturday 17 August 2013

Happy Birthday.

Good morning people! How a wonderful today. Hehe! Pagi-pagi buta mcm ni saya b'semangat update blog oh. Hahaha. Sebab, harini birthday saya. Hihi. Sukanyaa ! Nampak gmbar tuh? Nampak tweet kawan sy ? Dialah teman sehidup semati saya yg paling sy sayang didunia ! haha. Ok, nak share korang crita ni. First time sy alami. As usual, sy texting dgn buddy saya. I mean him.Yesterday, I was really ecxited to celebrate my  birthday with him. Second by second. Minute by minute and hour by hour. He didn't talked about my birthday. He didn't asked me. Even for a question. Yeahh, confirmlah saya risau dia lupa psal brthday saya ni. Sebab saya paling benci benda macam tu. Lupa birthday orang yg disayang? Itu pantang bagi sya -.- and at the same time, realod saya habis. So I told him. Reaksinya time tu macam birthday saya tdk wujud pula. Lepas tu dia send text mcj . He said : " Sokayy lah beb. You should go to sleep. Sleep tight. Love you and blablablabla......................... " and I was speechless. So , sya sent request mcj. Tandanya saya dah kehabisan reload, haha. Ya, saya cuba tidur. Cuba untk melupakan, hihi. But I couldn't slept. Saya baring-baring. Tengok phone. Tggu inbox masuk. And suddenly, phone sy b'bunyi. Saya jawab and.. Guess what ? He called me ! Shani called me. hehe.. Saya tdk menjangkanya. Belum sempat lagi saya cakap apa-apa, dia terus nyanyi lagu birthday untk saya. Bahagianya haha.. Rupa-rupanya, dia buat suprise untk saya.. I feel very special.. Thanks sweety :* 
Oleh sebab umur sya skg suda genap 15 tahun. Saya kenalah lebih matang kan? BE MATURE BRIDGET ! hihi. Thanks a lot God . I really enjoy my life. xoxo

Happy Birthday To me.

Friday 16 August 2013

Something about love.

Hey there beautiful sunshine. Let me tell you something tonight. Something that I really want you to know. I want you to know my opinion about love. When I asked people ' what is love? '. Some of them said ' You will get hurt when you love ' and some of them said , ' Love is beautiful. You will be happy with love '. Yeahh , the answer is truly true. Reader, if I ask you the same question, will you answer it like that? I guess yes :P
Because it is a fact about love. All people know it. But if they or you ask what is love, I will answer like this..
Love is love. Love exists when two heart were united. Love is when someone is always taking care of you. Someone who brave and always protect you. someone who always be there for you no matter the difficulty or enjoyment. Someone who love you more than anything. Why did I said that love is hurt? It is because you feel scary to lose someone who you really love and why did I said that love can make you happy? Because he/ she will always be there for you. Well, I feel the same way now. Sometimes it hurt and sometime it made me smile . It is love.

#Scahsha. She is my inspiration. Sebab bila saya baca entry dia,lagi tinggi keyakinan saya buat entry eng :) Thanks .

Monday 12 August 2013

Long Distance Relationship

I will feel the same way soon. They really cute. Well , its easy to say Hye but its really hard to say GOODBYE.

Homework from PPD

Hey there :) Long time no see. Cehh haha. Baru semalam pun update blog :p Hari ini, entah knpa pun saya tdk tau. Saya rajin betul buat hmwork. Hmwork tuu bukan biasa-biasa tau. Actually ni bukan hmwork. Ini kira kerja kursuslah. PPD yg bagi sblum cuti skolah hari tu. Kerja yang d bagi, kerja Maths. Senang habiss ! Haha. Apa tak senang kalau soalan tu semua pasal linear. Tapi, kerja ni lain sikit. Pihak PPD tuu bagi kerja tu dengan kelas kami sahaja (3RAJIN) . Dia bagi satu buku dengan satu pendrive. Dalam pendrive tu ada bnyak nota pasal linear. Dalam pndrve tu juga ada jwapan untk soalan yang ada dlm buku yg kitorang kena bagi. Kira senanglah. Jadi buat kerja ni kena tngok lappy, tngok buku juga. HAHA. Pertama tu memang pening sikitlah sebab tlampau byk nota nya. Tapi lama-lama ok da :) Cgu cakap kerja ni untk kajian PPD. Klau klas kami berjaya melaksanakan tugas, haha. Kerja ni akan diberi pada klas lain lagi. Entah untuk apa haha.. Oklah.. mau sambung buat kerja ni lagi . See you soonnnnn :*


Hey buddy. How I really miss my family. I miss my grandparents. After they passed away, err. I mean after my grandparents passed away , I feel lonely. My whole family feel the same way too. Its not easy to forget them. Before my grandma leave us, she was mad at me. After that, we no longer have exchanged. Day by day, I feel very guilty and one day an unexpected day happened. My aunt called us and told us that my grandma had died. I was really shocked. I was speechless. Without realizing it,my tears flow. I just can't believe it. She died without any reason. I do not have time to apologize to her. I'm sorry grandma :'(  after all that, my grandfather who left us again. Its too much pain for one year. But i'm not alone. My parents sad, my cousins sad, my aunt and my uncle sad too. Yeahh, I hope you know how thats feel. Its hurt , right? now, we assume that they are still there with us. We still celebrating they birthday. Sometimes, we will visit their grave. Spending time there like we spending time with my grandpa. Well, I miss them so muchh. I really do :) I love you grandpa. I love you grandma. I wish they can read this hoho.

See that? They the part of my life. xoxo

Saturday 10 August 2013


Hai, salam hai :D hari ini saya bosan yang tersangat bosan. haha.. Bosan cutilah pula.. Rindu pula sekolah sedangkan baru seminggu cuti haha.. Ok hari ini, saya nak buat entry baru setelah sekian lamanya saya tdk buat entry hehe.. Entry untuk hari ini pasal saya dengan c sengett saya (SHANI).. haha.. Sudah 2 tahun saya share moment brsama dia. Jangka masa yang lama bagi saya.. Pernah putus sekali jerr dengan dia :( Woahh jiwangg haha.. Memang betul lah.. Mungkin sudah dikatakan jodoh sebab , tiba-tiba pula dapat couple dgn dia balik sampai lah skg.. Err, sebenarnya pelik nak buat entry pasal kitorang ni.. Hho.. Takpa lah.. Korang bacalah sampai habis.. Kalau sudilah :D best dapat c sengett saya.. Dia bukan jenis yang jiwangg dan macam-macamlah.. hahha. Dia gila, kuat mengejek.. Sampai saya anggap dia tu abang saya sndiri dah.. Pelik kan ?  Sokayy, dapat merapatkan hubungan , haha :D kami bukan jenis yang jumpa then bemanja-manja.. Kami jumpa macam kitorang ni gangstar , haha.. Tak sah lah kalau dia tidak tumbuk saya time kitorang jumpa. Memang tabiatnya dah. Suka tumbuk saya.. haha.. Tapi saya masi terima dia seadanya :) Huh, penat cerita pasal dia haha. Tanpa disedari, panjang sudah saya taip haha..

Photo: Kubu pertahanan Ultraman  Photo

Haha. Nampak tu? Haa, tu lah bukti yang dia memang gila.. Haha.. Gila positive kayy.. Bukan gila negative tu.. Suka buat lawak.. Even dengan family dia.. hehe.. Huh, cukup sampai didini lah entry saya.. saya pun penat sudah ni menaip :) 

see you soon :)

Friday 2 August 2013

Freedom for a while

Helo bebehh :* Finally . 1 week I was too busy doing my job. S T U D Y . Percubaan PMR (I) dijalankan mggu ni. Paper tadi science(I) jerr. Hope luluslah :3 ok. Sebenarnya, hari tuhh ustaz ada buat pngunguman. 10 PELAJAR TERBAIK PMR (I) ni kena hantar belajar di skolah SAINS LAHAD DATU, SABAH selama 2 minggu. Best gilerr kan? Siapa yang taknak ? Sy cnfirm lah nak pergi. Tapii, muka-muka mcm saya ni boleh terpilih 10 pelajar terbaik? haha. Blajar pun last minute :D Dah cnfrm dah takda harapan hoho. Terpaksa pakai bedak tebal-tebal. Tutup rasa malu haha. Never mind lah . Yg penting , exam PMR saya takkan buat macam tu :P

see that? Ohh I wish I can drink it again. But I have no time to treat my lazy, relaxing mood kay. Exam PMR is around the corner Bridget! Damn. Its too hard -.- I wish, I wish, I wish. Errgghhh ! haha. Stress sendiri sudah. Kalaulah otak saya ni pintar sedia. Tdk blajar pun boleh llus juga time exam kan bagus. Tdk stres macam ni haha. Tapi apakan daya. Hidup manusia sudah ditakdirkan macam ni. hoho. Terima sajalah. Impian tu takkan tercapai kalau setakat mengharap saja :) Kena buat dengan usaha sendiri juga, woahh. haha. Apasal aku tiba-tiba bermoral ni ? haha . Weird. Ok. Bye haha :D